Shipping and Return Policy
Processing time is 2-5 business days. (If a pre-sale item, please account for the window of production time)
During holidays and sales, the processing time may be longer.
Once your order ships, your package should arrive within:
Domestic - 3-10 business days
International - 28 business days
International customers: Customs fees may apply and vary greatly depending on your location, package size, and the retail amount of what's in the package. Customs fees are never made aware to us as they are up to the customer to cover.
We offer exchanges within 14 days of arrival on items due to not fitting correctly/exchange for a different size. You must email us at and include a note for size you want, then ship your item back. Once we receive your package, the new item will then be shipped out.
If you receive the wrong product or a damaged good, please email us at for a return label and include a note for the you want, then ship your item back.
If we are out of stock of an item, either a refund will be given or an exchange for a different product of the same amount can be sent out instead.
We offer returns within 14 days of arrival on items due to not fitting correctly/wrong size or damaged goods. You must email us at for information regarding how to exchange your item. You will need to cover the shipping cost to return the item.
If we are out of stock of an item, either a refund will be given or an exchange for a different product of the same amount can be sent out instead.
Returns and Refunds
Please email us at for more information as refunds will be on a case-by-case basis. Generally, refunds will not be offered on anything past 14 days of the product's arrival.
Refunds will not be given for packages returned due to incorrect addresses or not being picked up (international orders).